Do you like the colour orange, cable-knit sweaters, bunches of dried corn cobs bound at their husks and hollowed out gourds used as individual soup bowls? Then chances are that Thanksgiving is one of your favourite holidays. One of the best things about Thanksgiving is the food! One of the worst – making it and having to clean up after.
Good thing that there are spectacular places to pick up a ready-to-serve meal, tasty desserts or to just eat out completely – no clean up required! Here are some options for your holiday meal.
Dine In

Sawmill Restaurant
The Sawmill Restaurant chain was established in 1976 in Edmonton and now has locations around the city and the province. The food is undeniably exceptional and delicious which makes it a great place for your Thanksgiving meal. Offering a traditional holiday meal centred around roasted turkey, garlic mash and stuffing, you can also choose to add a slice of pumpkin cheesecake for dessert. Reserve for your party here.
Highlands Golf Club
Located near downtown along the North Saskatchewan River, the Highlands Golf Club is a fantastic spot to take in a couple more rounds before the snow. It’s also a lovely spot to enjoy your Thanksgiving meal and you have options! Choose a brunch or dinner buffet on Sunday October 9th or a plated dinner on Monday October 10th. All the classic options like turkey, butternut squash soup and cranberry sauce are awaiting you. Make a reservation by emailing
Take Home

Sunterra Seasonal Feasts
It doesn’t get easier than a seasonal Sunterra feast. Order online, pick up in your sweats between October 7th and 10th and give thanks for the fast, tasty, amazing Thanksgiving. Feel for something a little different than turkey? Entrees such as honey pepper ham and prime rib are also options. Plus, you can round out your meal with an array of additional options – flowers for the table, a rustic baguette, cheeses and deli meats for charcuterie – all from the comfort of your couch.
Freson Bros. Thanksgiving Dinner Box
Roasted turkey is the star again at the centre of the dinner boxes from Freson, but it’s paired with baked potatoes, roasted root veggies and sourdough dinner rolls. Add stuffing, a baguette, and/or a ham and bacon cheese ball as an appetizer. One dinner box serves up to 5 people and you can place your order online here for pick up anytime until October 14th.
If you’re in charge of showing up to a Thanksgiving dinner with dessert in hand, please don’t just pop into the local grocery! WOW the party with sweet delights that could only come from one of Edmonton’s best bakeries.

Bon Ton Bakery
Bon Ton makes pastries that you can fairly say are too beautiful to eat. One glance at their website and you’ll really see what we mean! You’ll surely want to take one of everything, but alas Thanksgiving calls for pie. Maple Apple, Sour Cherry Peach, Saskatoon or, the old standby, Pumpkin – no matter which you choose, it’ll be the right one.

Duchess Bakery
Edmonton’s most vaunted bakery is Duchess and the platitudes are warranted. Like Bon Ton, the pastries are beautiful and high-quality, and you’ll be delighted no matter what you select. But in this case, select the Pumpkin Pie. A twist on the traditional, this pie is cradled in a toasty, buttery Graham cracker crust and topped with sweetened whipped cream. If it sounds like a dream, that’s because it is!
With dinner and desserts covered, you’ll actually have time to get outside and have some fun at the Edmonton Corn Maze in Spruce Grove. Visitors who make all the right moves could finish the maze in 30 minutes, but most people need about an hour. Afterwards, pick up fresh produce at the on-site market, including pumpkins, and pet some friendly farm animals.
Did you know that many of our full-service hotels also offer ready-to-serve holiday meals that can be pre-ordered? Check out our hotels with restaurants and follow up directly with those you are interested in learning more about!